How Dental Veneers Got Their Start in Hollywood

Dental veneers, when viewed in the timeline of cosmetic dentistry procedures, are very new. The earliest forms of cosmetic dentistry appear in the form of dentures made of ivory and bone near 700 BCE. By 200 CE, gold was being used to fabricate simple dental crowns and bridges.

Dental veneers, however, only date back to the 1930s and to a dentist in California named Dr. Charles Pincus. This was a golden age in Hollywood, when the “girl next door” or the ordinary man could be plucked from obscurity and rise to worldwide fame, Hollywood glamour and stardom. Part of this rise was due to the extensive cosmetic procedures these “regular joes” underwent. Some had their hairlines altered, some had plastic surgery, but many, if not all, needed new, beautiful smiles. Without one, the illusion of born super-stardom would be broken.

The concept of dental veneers was conceived by Dr. Pincus. He crafted a thin piece of tooth-shaped porcelain in an arc that he affixed across the actor’s natural teeth. It created a perfect façade, an illusion of very straight, perfectly bright, white teeth. The “Hollywood Smile” was born.

The adhesive that glued these veneer strips wasn’t very durable. It could pop off or loosen when eating or speaking, leading to embarrassing moments for the actor. Many veneer strips could be relied upon to last for a single movie without needing reapplication, but some wouldn’t last that long. Dr. Pincus realized that dental veneers were needed that lasted much longer and could be more functional when eating or drinking.

Thanks to Dr. Pincus and the glamorous Hollywood stars, dental veneer technology and materials advanced such that that “Hollywood Smile” took off in popularity, and dental veneers are now available for anyone who wants a brighter, whiter smile.



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