Benefits of a Smile Makeover

Are you embarrassed by your smile for some reason? If so there’s no need to go through life being afraid to laugh and talk with others. There’s a real possibility that your smile could be transformed through using the latest cosmetic dentistry techniques. Your dentist in Newport Beach can use numerous different procedures which can range from teeth whitening and adult orthodontics, to dental implants for permanently replacing missing teeth. Modern technology can help give you the smile you’ve always wanted. The benefits of having a smile makeover can include the following:

Increased Self-Confidence
If you feel self-conscious about smiling and talking with others it can affect your willingness to socialize, and may even impact your career prospects. A smile makeover can restore your self-confidence and will boost self-esteem. You’ll find it will be much easier to communicate with others, whether in social or business oriented situations.

Lower Anxiety Levels
Many people feel quite stressed about having less-than-perfect teeth, and a smile makeover can reduce anxiety levels. Smiling is an important way of communicating, and studies have shown it can help reduce symptoms of anxiety such as poor digestion, high blood pressure and blood sugar imbalances. A smile makeover with your dentist in Newport Beach could help boost your physical and emotional health.

Improved Mood
Smiling makes you feel better, and you’ll find other people respond differently to you. A person with a nice smile is perceived as being open, warm and friendly, and those close to you will quickly notice the difference.

You’ll Enjoy Having Your Photograph Taken
There will be no need to worry about having your photograph taken and having to smile with a closed mouth. Your beautiful new smile makeover can be recorded for posterity in all those photographs with family and friends.


If you are looking for a smile makeover dentist in Newport Beach CA, contact our office to schedule a consultation.