Dispelling Common Myths about Root Canal Treatment

Some people feel extremely anxious about the thought of receiving root canal therapy. For some particular reason this treatment has a less than wonderful reputation which is quite undeserved. Your dentist in Keptville will recommend root canal therapy in order to save an infected or badly damaged tooth, as an alternative to extraction. The following article will help dispel some of the most common myths associated with this treatment and should help you feel less anxious.

Myth: Treatment Is Painful
A tooth requiring root canal treatment is likely to already be very painful as the nerves will be infected. A root canal treatment helps get rid of this pain, and your dentist will make sure you cannot feel a thing during treatment. Afterwards you should feel far more comfortable.

Myth: Tooth Extraction Is a Better Option
Your dentist will only recommend tooth extraction as a last resort as it is always better to save your natural teeth whenever possible. It is much more awkward to have to fill the gap left by a missing tooth. Failing to replace the tooth could result in problems with your remaining natural teeth as they will begin to shift position and will not function correctly.

Myth: Root Canal Treatment Requires Many Dental Visits
In fact root canal treatment can often be completed by your dentist in Keptville in just one or two visits. The exact number of appointments required depends on the complexity of treatment and the degree of infection.

Myth: Root Canals Can Cause Problems in the Future
Most root canal treatments will last for many years or even for life. In the past some people will have had a tooth restored with a filling, and the tooth may have subsequently become brittle and fractured. Nowadays it’s more likely your tooth will be restored with a crown that completely covers up the tooth, protecting it against further damage.