Root canal treatments are very common dental therapies performed every day by both dentists and endodontists. If you need a root canal treatment, you might be struggling with the decision about which dental professional to choose.
Endodontists are dentists who have specialized training in the diagnosis of and the various causes of damage to the dental nerve or pulp of your tooth, how to prevent those causes and how to treat them. Treating diseases of the dental nerve and pulp are the only things an endodontist does throughout the day.
If your root canal treatment is anticipated to be fairly routine, your dentist might be a good choice for you, but if your procedure is thought to be in any way complicated or problematic, you should see an endodontist.
Endodontists are accustomed to scheduling appointments quickly after a patient calls. Patients who need root canal treatments are often in serious pain, and they will want that pain addressed as soon as possible.
The skills an endodontist has built up over time doing root canal treatments can benefit you directly. Those skills enable the endodontist to perform root canal therapies more quickly than a standard dentist.
One of the biggest causes of needing to repeat a root canal on the same tooth is that the tooth had a hidden, calcified or twisted canal. These canals can hide in the jawbone, concealing pockets of infection that will sometimes wait months to be problematic enough for you to notice the pain. Meanwhile, the infection is in your jaw and tooth, working away, harming your health.
Often, a dentist will run into something he or she can’t handle, and you will be sent to an endodontist anyway for specialized treatment. Skip that extra step and start out with an endodontist.
Talk to Newport Beach, CA root canal dentist Dr. Salimy today to seek out the best choice for you and your root canal treatment. Don’t let hidden canals make you have to repeat your treatment in a few years. Get the job done right the first time with a skilled endodontist.