The inner part of each of your teeth is called the pulp. It is located in the center of the teeth and extends through canals into the roots of each tooth. There are many nerves affiliated with this area of the teeth as well. When it becomes infected or damaged, it can be very painful and ultimately can cause tooth loss. Treatment for this is call endodontics.
You might be more familiar with the term root canal treatment, which is categorized under endodontics. It focuses on the tooth pulp, which is an important part of your oral health. It plays a role in nourishing your teeth because it contains vessels, nerves, and tissues involved in the health of your teeth. When the pulp is damaged or diseased, it is better to have it removed than to allow the bacteria and other issues to remain. Antibiotics are usually not enough to treat the bacteria under the surface of the gums into the roots and pulp of teeth, so a more effective choice is endodontic treatment.
Your dentist in Newport Beach CA will determine if you need root canal therapy. You may or may not experience symptoms like pain, sensitivity, or swelling. If your dentist suspects problems with your tooth pulp, X-rays may be taken to better diagnose the issue. If your pulp is indeed damaged, root canal treatment is often needed to save the tooth. Anesthesia will be administered, the tooth will be drilled open so that the damaged pulp can be removed, and the area will be thoroughly cleaned. Then a filling material will be added, and a crown may be placed on top to complete the process.
You might have heard the root canal treatment, or endodontics, is a painful experience. The truth is that it is almost always a better solution than allowing the pulp to remain untreated or eventually extracting the tooth. Modern dentistry has made great strides in making endodontic treatment a much less painful or scary procedure than it used to be.