If you experience tooth pain or discomfort when eating sweets or ice cream, drinking cold or hot beverages, or just contacting cold air, you are suffering from tooth sensitivity. It is a very common complaint, with at least forty million American adults experiencing this sensation. It causes many people to change their eating, drinking, and breathing habits. It’s helpful to learn why your teeth might be overly sensitive, and to find out what you can do to allow you to resume the lifestyle that you would like.
Why does it hurt?
Normally, the tooth layer called dentin that surrounds the nerve at the center of your tooth is covered by enamel and gums. Dentin contains many tubes that run from outside your tooth to the nerve inside your tooth. When dentin is exposed, the tubes can be affected by temperature changes or by certain foods. The tubes carry the message to the nerve, which causes the discomfort you feel.
What causes it?
Exposure of dentin and tooth sensitivity can happen from a variety of factors, such as:
• Gum recession from age or improper brushing
• Gum disease that leads to receding gums
• Tooth grinding
• Brushing with an abrasive toothpaste or hard toothbrush
• Acidic beverages that erode enamel
• Chipped or broken teeth
• Teeth whitening
• Untreated cavities or worn fillings
What can I do about it?
The first thing to do is see your dentist for help identifying the cause of your sensitivity. Then, some steps may be recommended to help reduce your discomfort:
• Using a soft bristled toothbrush
• Learning proper brushing techniques
• Changing to a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth
• Getting treatment for teeth grinding
• Having sealants applied by your dentist
• Reducing your intake of acidic foods and beverages
• Getting tooth restorations or fillings as needed
Dr. Salimy is a family and general dentist in Newport Beach CA.