Tools of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry can offer a stress-free visit to the dentist, and a comfortable and painless therapy while in the dentist’s chair. While you are undergoing sedation dentistry, you will be closely monitored, especially during IV sedation. Your breathing, blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation will be carefully examined using a combination of electronic equipment and clinical (observational) monitoring. The staff member has been carefully trained to monitor your vital signs and to notify the dentist immediately if anything looks amiss.

At least two people present during your procedure will be trained to perform CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) in case of an emergency. An IV line will remain in place until you have fully recovered from the effects of the sedation in case another drug must be rapidly administered in order to reverse the sedation.

Your sedation level will be checked throughout the procedure. At no time should you lose complete consciousness, and every few minutes you will be asked to answer a simple question or make a small move. You should always remain conscious, even though you feel completely relaxed and compliant.

Respiration is monitored in order to notice abnormal patterns. The main risk of many oral sedatives is respiratory depression, especially in medically compromised or elderly patients. Pale skin tone can indicate a drop in blood pressure, and a bluish tint can indicate hypoxia and require immediate action.

A pulse oximeter is used to monitor the oxygenation and pulse of your body. It provides a rapid, accurate report of pulse rate and arterial oxygen saturation and can instantly indicate changes not noticed by clinical observation, providing an early warning of potential respiratory depression.

An electrocardiographic (ECG) machine is used to monitor heart function, especially in those with increased cardiac risk or cardiovascular problems. Blood pressure is measured before and after a procedure, but not during, unless there are additional reasons to require it.

If you are about to undergo sedation dentistry, especially IV sedation, you will be in the best of hands as you are cared for by trained dental professionals.


If you are scared of the dentist, consider sedation dentistry at our Newport Beach, CA dental office.